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How Cumitatu Missinisi du Frunt Nazziunali Sicilianu - "Indipinnenti Sicily (Messina Committee of the National Front Siciliano -" Independent Sicily) think carefully, and not just recently, the project related to the preparation of the project called "MESSINA 2020, TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN."
We do not make no mystery and very critical of the practice and methodology that has inspired and inspiring initiative.
We believe that such a course of action was conceived, planned and carried out only after it had been determined politically, as a community with a shared address line to Messina and Messina.
seems that here has been carried out differently, ie so-called reflection on the Strategic Plan is nothing but an attempt albeit in much dusting to force the recognition and institutionalization of certain "desired" expressed by some in the political-bureaucratic want them just "prescribe" the entire city of Messina and beyond.
In our opinion, no one can and must deprive Messinesi the right to make their own choices and spelled assert their rights and interests.
say this without any malice, but firmly convinced of these reasons. We thought
invite you to think and reflect and, indeed, how it is actually impossible, to date, think and read verbatim from the press outlining "the scenario for the future development of the city of the Strait through specific assignments themes: the physical organization of the city and physical infrastructure, the intangible infrastructure of research and innovation services for local development of territories and networks for solidarity and social enterprise.. "Moreover, there seems to
no one has yet said its last, definitive word on the assumption that the bridge across the Strait to bind itself and makes any credible hypothesis for the development of Messina. As also think that it is now able to predict earthquakes and disasters or quantify the power.
Unfortunately, many of those who take for granted the feasibility of the bridge-disaster.
They go even further: they think already a iinnaturale and artificial REGIONICCHIA DELLO STRETTO ad usum partitocratrico.
In questo contesto apparirebbero provocatori i tentativi di ammannire a Siciliani e Calabresi, a Reggini e a Messinesi tutta una serie di tecnicismi e di studi precotti sulle "magnifiche sorti progressive" del Moloch ponte e della non meno improbabile Area dello stretto.
In realtà tutto ciò non fa che dimostrare quanto poco certi settori della politica politicata e della burocrazia tengano in conto la volontà dei Messinesi che sono contrari sia al Ponte che alla REGIONICCHIA DELLO STRETTO.
Scelte che m0dificherebbero innaturalmente anche geograficamente disarticolerebbe la Sicilia e la Calabria rendendo un inferno la vita di qua e di là dello Stretto e condannando di fatto Messina alla morte economica and social development.
understanding that neither the Sicilian or Calabrese has waived the right to express their will with a specific referendum.
Messinesi I want to defend their ancient, noble city spearhead of Sicily between the two seas. They are tired of the usual buzzword that causes backward instead of promoting progress and despair. That's why we
Cumitatu Missinisi du du Frunt Nazziunali Sicilianu - "Sicilia Indipinnenti" we are skeptical and critical of the proposed "MESSINA 2020, TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN."
Missinisi's why we invite all to ensure that their future and their children is not decided in this strategic plan to close or to other distant the "question of Messina" and "Sicilian question."
Missin, 23/04/2009
SICILIAN NATIONAL FRONT - "independent Sicily"
Via Brunetto Latini n ° 26 - 90141 Palermo
091 329456-091 7815664 -
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