April 6, 2009
The lobbying campaign to "armed banks" (promoted by magazines Mission Today, Mosaic of peace and Nigrizia,) - while it welcomes the publication this year of the Report of the President of the Council on the outlines of government policy on the export and transit of armaments and its accessibility through the publication on Presidency of the Council (www.governo.it/Presidenza/UCPMA/rapporto_2008.html) - is deeply concerned by the significant increase of authorizations for exports of arms, which in 2008 reached a record high of over € 3 billion, with a growth of almost 29% over 2007. Without saying that the value of permits banking transactions exceeded € 4 billion.
"In particular way - denouncing his father Alex Zanotelli, father and father Mario Menin Franco Moretti, editor of Mosaic of Peace Mission Today Nigrizia - we care about, and we believe that they can not be left without explanation, permits to countries in conflict (including Israel ), in areas of high tension (Middle East, Africa and Asia), where international organizations reported "severe violations of human rights" and, more generally, to the countries of the South, which, taken together, last year was designed more than 30% of export Italian military, amounting to almost € 928 million.
The campaign also in assessing the will of the Presidency Council to "further increase the transparency of activities," the justification for the absence in the report for the summary of 'Value of the amounts authorized' to credit institutions that provide support services to the arms trade.
"A table - highlight the directors - should not be missing from the larger report that the chair of the council gave the parliament a table to be published, together with the report, would indicate a clear desire for transparency on all sectors of export of armaments. "
"recall - continues the statement of the three directors - In June 2008, our Country, with an official letter to the Prime Minister and the competent authorities, noted the absence in the Annex to the Report of the Minister of Economy and Finance (Treasury Department) of the "Overview broken down in detail Credit Institutions ", a voluminous document that this ministry has replaced - without explanation - with a summary in detail broken down by Companies" (Document E), which, in fact, has withdrawn from parliamentary oversight and civil society information decisive importance on the work in the field of credit institutions.
We are still waiting for response to the letter sent to the Prime Minister and the competent authorities. "
" We therefore believe that the desire expressed by the Council Presidency in the current report to put "every effort to continue the dialogue with representatives of non-governmental organizations the control of exports and transfers of weapons materials, with the aim of promoting a more timely and transparent information on topics of interest, "intends to include a detailed comparison on the issues of information regarding banking operations. Operations which are the only way to ensure a precise and official response to the credit institutions that have messo in atto politiche restrittive in materia, e consentono alla società civile di valutare l’operato delle banche con il rigore e l’attenzione che sono indispensabili".
"Ci associamo, pertanto, alla richiesta della Rete Italiana Disarmo – di cui la nostra campagna è parte – nel chiedere un incontro urgente con la presidenza del consiglio e le amministrazioni competenti per poter valutare nel merito l’attuale Rapporto e, più in generale, la politica del governo sull’esportazione materiale d’armamento, e chiediamo fin d’ora che il parlamento analizzi l’attuale Rapporto e la Relazione che gli è stata inviata anche con un dibattito finale in aula che preveda una votazione esplicita on an issue as sensitive as the export Italian military. "
p. Alex Zanotelli (director of Mosaic of Peace)
p. Mario Menin (director of Mission Today)
p. Franco Moretti (director of Nigrizia)
Mission Today: Via Piamarta, 9 - 25121 Brescia (BS) Tel: 030-3772780; Fax: 030 - 3772781
altro missioneoggi@saveriani.bs.it
Mosaico di pace : Via Petronelli, 6 - 70052 Bisceglie (BA) Tel: 080 - 3953507; Fax: 080 - 3953450 ufficiostampa@mosaicodipace.it
Nigrizia : Vicolo Pozzo, 1 - 37129 Verona (VR) Tel: 045 - 8092390; Fax: 045 - 8092391 redazione@nigrizia.it
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