If Christmas is the festival which gathers the family together distant relatives, who most feel the warmth of home, of family affection, sharing with those who are alone, in the poignant memory of the Infant God, Easter is the feast of joy instead, the explosion of nature that flourishes in the spring, but most of relief, the joy you feel like after the passing of a pain and a sorrow that created anxiety, because for us Christians this is Easter, the real proof that the Resurrection of Jesus was not an empty promise, of a man believed by his contemporaries as a fanatic or a teacher (Rabbi) from a number of people, including the misguided disciples. The Resurrection is the greatest demonstration of the divinity of Jesus, not one of the many miracles during his public life, for the benefit of many people who believed in him, this time it is Jesus himself, personally that is the value of suffering, common to all men, that transfigured by hope, leads to eternal life, through the merits of the death and resurrection of Christ. Easter is a force, an energy of love put into the creation, which is placed as leaven in the life of men and is an incredible energy, because it feeds and sustains our hope of resurrection we too, because the members have to follow the fate of head, gives us the assurance of redemption, because Christ has freed us from sin by dying, but rising, we returned quei preziosi beni che avevamo perduto con la colpa. Racconto evangelico Esaminiamo adesso la cronologia degli avvenimenti che seguirono alla morte e sepoltura di Gesù. La sepoltura fu una operazione provvisoria, in quando essendo ormai un’ora serale e si approssimava con il tramonto il Sabato ebraico, in cui è noto era proibita qualsiasi attività, il corpo di Gesù fu avvolto in un lenzuolo candido e deposto nel sepolcro nuovo scavato nella roccia, appartenente a Giuseppe d’Arimatea, membro del Sinedrio, ma ormai seguace delle idee del giovane “Rabbi” della Galilea. Le operazioni necessarie per questo tipo di sepoltura, che non era l’inumazione nel terreno, e cioè il cospargere il corpo con profumi ed unguenti el'avvolgimento conservative of the same body with straps or bandages (we have an example in the story of Lazarus raised by Jesus himself), and the work, we said, were postponed to Saturday after the pious women, who after preparing the spices and saw where he had been laid Jesus' body, eventually withdrew. After Parasceve (eve of Saturday) and then buried just after Jesus, the priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate, saying that they had mentioned "that impostor when he was still alive, he said, after three days rise again. Command therefore that the tomb be guarded until the third day, lest the disciples steal him and then tell the people is Risen from the dead. So this last deception will be worse than the first. " Pilate, according to the Gospel of Matthew only, authorized the seal of the tomb and ordered guards to control it. After Saturday, in which all the rest watched, Mary of Magdala, Mary of Cleophas, and Salome, completed the preparation of perfumes and went to the tomb early in the morning to complete the anointing of the body and the bandage, said the road between them, who could help them move the heavy stone circle, which closed the lower opening of the tomb, which consisted of two rooms dug into the rock, consisting of a small lobby and in the burial chamber, the latter containing a kind of upward stone, on which the corpse was laid. When they arrived, according to the Gospels, there was an earthquake, a bright angel came down from heaven, and came to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it, the guards took great fear fell unconscious. But the angel turned to the frightened women, telling them: "Do not be afraid; I know that ye seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here. He is risen from the dead, and behold, before you into Galilee, and there you will see it. " Continuing with the story of the Gospel of Matthew, the women running away to give the news to the disciples. Like to recall that even the announcement of the birth of Jesus came through an angel to the shepherds of the simple, so also His resurrection is announced by an angel to the humble women, who according to ancient Jewish law, were disqualified to testify, so with this event which sees the witnesses and messengers, is also to include a social event in Jewish history. Along the way Jesus himself appeared to them, which made for joy and fell down to worship the Risen Lord told them: "Be not afraid, go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee and there they will see me." Continue reading the Gospel of Matthew (which is the only one to indicate the existence of a squad of guards), while the women went quickly to the apostles to tell you, some of the soldiers on guard, recovered from the shock felt, went into town to report to the chief priests what had happened. They then met with the elders decided to give a large sum of money to the soldiers, who had come to declare the disciples of Jesus by night as they slept and had stolen the body, promising to intervene on their behalf with the Governor, if they had the punishment for it. This rumor, spread by soldiers, has spread among the Jews until this day. If you could attribute blame to the Jewish religious authorities of the time, it concerns the persistence in the wrong even before the evidence, while not admitting the mistake, "that fear that the body is stolen, those guards at the tomb, the seal affixed to their request, are proof of their folly and obstinacy "(St. Hilary), but in fact this served only to make more definite and unquestionable the Resurrection. When the women reached the apostles and told what had happened, they ran to the tomb, but Peter and John ran out, John first came to the tomb younger and faster, but the doorway he stopped after seeing the shroud (shroud) to earth, stones occurred, he went in first and found that the sheet was on the floor, while the cloth used to place it on the head of the dead, was folded into a corner, then went anche Giovanni e ambedue capirono e credettero a quanto lo stesso Gesù, aveva detto in precedenza riguardo la sua Risurrezione. A questo punto, con gli apostoli che se ne ritornano tutti meravigliati e gioiosi verso la loro dimora, riempiti di certezza e nuova forza, termina il racconto evangelico del giorno di Pasqua; Gesù comparirà altre volte alla Maddalena, agli Apostoli, ai discepoli di Emmaus, a sua madre, finché non si avrà la sua Ascensione al cielo; gli Evangelisti raccontano in modo diverso questi avvenimenti connessi con la Resurrezione, ma in sostanza simili nell’insegnamento. Liturgia e Veglia Pasquale Adesso è utile descrivere l’aspetto liturgico della Pasqua, che è bene ricordare è il culmine della Holy Week is a feast of great solemnity to the Christian world, continues with the Octave of Easter and the liturgical season of Easter lasts 50 days, encompassing the feast of the Ascension, until the next feast of Pentecost. After the silence, penance and meditation on Holy Saturday, the liturgy provides the great Easter Vigil, which is the most important celebration of the liturgical year and the one that best expresses the joy of faith in Jesus Christ and risen Savior of mankind. The night when the Lord passed from death to life, marking the highest point of the religious history of mankind from the earliest centuries, Christians have celebrated the più grande solennità. Sant’Agostino la chiama “la madre di tutte le veglie sante, durante la quale il mondo intero è rimasto sveglio”. Nel corso di questa notte, la Chiesa celebrava e celebra la Resurrezione di Cristo, battezzando nuovi cristiani e domandando a coloro che già lo sono, di rinnovare tutti insieme gl’impegni del loro Battesimo. La Veglia pasquale è una celebrazione complessa ed unitaria, che si svolge in momenti successivi: 1) Liturgia della Luce;
2) Liturgia della Parola;
3) Liturgia Battesimale;
4) Liturgia Eucaristica.
The ritual takes place at night, a symbol of life, that without Christ, is immersed in the darkness of ignorance and error, sin and death.
LITURGY OF LIGHT - The Blessing of the new fire ceremony takes place outside the church, all darkened, the celebrant blesses the new fire in a brazier, a symbol of the Holy Spirit and the theological virtue of Charity, instilled in us at Baptism. Blessing of the Paschal candle is followed by the blessing of the paschal candle, large candle will remain lit during religious celebrations, throughout the Easter season and will be off the day of Pentecost, after the reading of the Gospel, and its origin seems to date back to the fourth century. The candle is decorated with five large grains of incense, in the shape of the cross and the greek letters Alpha and Omega, which are respectively the first and last, alluding to Christ, the beginning and end of all reality. For the blessing of the priest uses this formula: "Christ yesterday and today / the beginning and end / Alpha and Omega. Belongs to him time and centuries. To him be glory and power / all for ever and ever. By means of his holy glorious wounds, protect us and guard us Christ the Lord. " Then the celebrant draws from the holy fire, la fiamma per accendere il cero pasquale, mentre pronunzia. “La luce del Cristo che risorge glorioso, disperda le tenebre del cuore e dello spirito”. Il cero rappresenta anche la virtù teologale della Fede, che illumina il cammino di santificazione del cristiano. Processione d’ingresso Guidati dalla fiamma del cero pasquale, la processione avanza nella chiesa oscurata, mentre il sacerdote canta per tre volte con tonalità crescenti, le parole: “Lumen Christi” o “Cristo luce del mondo” a cui i fedeli rispondono “Deo gratias” o “Rendiamo grazie a Dio”; ad ogni sosta si accendono progressivamente le candele dei ministri e poi quelle di tutta la chiesa. Man mano la luce vince le tenebre in a suggestive symbolism, the procession is a symbol of the theological virtue of Hope, the journey of the people of God in the way of sanctification. The Easter proclamation in front of all the Christian Assembly, holding the candle in hand, the celebrant or the deacon or Exultet sings the Easter proclamation, calling on the Church to raise a hymn of thanksgiving and praise to the merciful Lord , which has redeemed humanity from sin. Dell'Exultet two versions are known, the Roman el'ambrosiana, whose attribution is doubtful, perhaps among the likely perpetrators also includes s. Ambrose, even if they have evidence from the fourth century in Rome, the liturgy was introduced later, between the sixth and eighth centuries. At the end, extinguished the candles and sat down, the Assembly listens to the song of the 'Proclamation' by the deacon.
LITURGY OF THE WORD -seven tracks are read from the Old Testament, telling the creation of the world, the sacrifice of Abraham, the exodus from Egypt, crossing the Red Sea and some biblical prophecies of the prophets The thread that unites these readings is the night, the atmosphere is both the heart, but God was watching from the darkness and the light suddenly came on. Then is sung the song 'Gloria', with the sound of bells, the full illumination of the church, the organ, all symbolizing the fact of the Resurrection of Christ and the meaning and benefits created by these men. Following the song of that throughout the period of Lent was omitted in the liturgy as a sign of sorrow for the Passion of Jesus Finally there is the reading of the Gospel according to Luke (24, 1-12) which tells the discovery by women and then of the future resurrection of the Apostles.
baptismal liturgy - is placed in view of the faithful a bowl with water that will be used for future baptisms, including those, if any, of this holy night. Water viene benedetta dal celebrante (essa è simbolo del dono della Grazia e della Vita nuova, comunicata da Cristo) dopo la recita delle Litanie dei Santi; la benedizione effettuata con l’immersione del cero pasquale, una o tre volte, è accompagnata da bellissime preghiere del celebrante, che per motivi di spazio non riportiamo, essendo un po’ lunghe. Seguono le promesse battesimali rinnovate dall’Assemblea, dopo se vi sono dei battezzandi si procede con il Battesimo di essi e al termine tutti i presenti, a ricordo del proprio battesimo, vengono aspersi con l’acqua benedetta. Terminato questo rito, il sacerdote e il lettore recitano la preghiera dei fedeli, omettendo in questa occasione la recita del Credo.
LITURGIA EUCARISTICA - A questo punto la liturgia diventa quella solita della celebrazione della Messa, con Prefazio, preghiere, antifone proprie della festività di Pasqua e si conclude con la solenne benedizione del celebrante. Durante il giorno della Domenica di Pasqua le celebrazioni delle Messe sono come al solito, ma caratterizzate di solennità. Storia della Festa – Tradizioni La datazione della Pasqua, nel mondo cristiano fu motivo di gravi controversie fra le Chiese d’Oriente e d’Occidente, la prima era composta da ebrei convertiti e la celebrava subito dopo la Pasqua ebraica e cioè nella sera della luna piena, il 14 Nisan, primo mese dell’anno ebraico; quindi sempre in giorni diversi della settimana. Mentre i cristiani convertiti dal paganesimo, la celebravano nel primo giorno della settimana, cioè la Domenica (il Sabato ebraico), questo criterio fu adottato dalla Chiesa d’Occidente. La controversia durò parecchio, coinvolgendo sante ed autorevoli figure di vescovi di ambo le parti, come Policarpo, Ireneo e papi come Aniceto e Vittore I; solo con il Concilio di Nicea del 325, si ottenne che fosse celebrata nello stesso giorno in tutta la cristianità e cioè adottando il rito Occidentale, fissandola nella domenica che seguiva il plenilunio di primavera. Tralasciamo tutte le successive controversie su questo problema; oggi la celebrazione cade tra il 22 marzo e il 25 aprile denominandola Easter so low or high, according to the time when it happens. Being a movable feast, determine the date of other celebrations related to it, like Lent, Holy Week, Ascension, Pentecost. The Catholic Church provides for the obligation of the precept Pasquale, ie confession and receive the Eucharist at least once during the Easter period. Linked to the celebration of Easter, there are some traditions as the 'Easter egg', the egg has always been the symbol of life for Christians, the Easter egg is a symbol of the tomb, empty inside, but contains in itself the greatest surprise: the Resurrection, symbolically chocolate egg which gives, is therefore a surprise. Easter dinner is sprinkled in the table prepared, dipped in holy water a sprig of olive, distributed on Palm Sunday. The Pope of ancient date imparts the solemn blessing "Urbe et Orbe," that is in Rome and the World. Among the many civil and folkloric events, which take place in the world on this festive day, we point out in conclusion, only the 'explosion of the cart' to Florence, with the whole outline of procession in period costume.
Antonio Borrelli
Source: www.santiebeati.it
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