Horace Wide:
years are close to world of immigration and immigrants working in projects, events, and in a newspaper.
I immediately thought to myself "invisible" to the earthquake, knowing those who have come in Italy and are not yet regular, who knows, I said to myself, how many are those who are not "missing".
Their fate has made me suffer.
I wanted to add that unfortunately I waited in vain for a message of solidarity on the part of many migrants' associations, Albanians, Romanians, Moroccans, Senegalese and so on. who live and work (in one way or another ..) in Italy.
We consider them our fellow citizens, but they?
We could not love us enough?
These "invisible" because mai esistiti...
Quando una reazione è aggressiva,di solito ,è perché è andata troppo vicina alla verità..
Ma perché stupisce meraviglia l’idea di persone scomparse, senza che nessuna ne abbia fatto la denuncia?
Perché ci meravigliamo?..
Basterebbe girare per i quartieri delle nostre città, per vedere come e in quanti vivono gli extracomunitari e non, gli “Invisibili” appunto.
Ma ricordiamoci di Milano e dei cinesi che dormivano nell’albergo sotterraneo…
Gli operai messi in regola? Per usare una frase di Saviano: “quando muoiono gli operai, muoiono sempre il primo giorno di lavoro”. Perché…..?
Gli affitti dichiarati?
Sarebbe come auto- denunciarsi, allora ecco che è meglio nascondere.. Queste persone, trattate come mai esistiti come “ invisibili”, scappavano già da terre martoriate……
“L'Italia non è un Paese sotto-sviluppato dell'Africa. L'Italia non è un Paese dei Balcani. L'Italia è un Paese civile ed europeo,democratico e dalle radici cristiane.” Dichiara il Dott. John Genovese ..
How can declare Italy a European country, a Democrat, from the Christian roots and thus offend then Africa and the Balkans and its people?
If civil means dying to see almost 300 people for failing to meet the minimum earthquake standards ...
If civil means to destroy the lives of whole countries ..
If civil and Christian is to think only the self-interest ...
Christian If you want to live in basements immigrants, illegal and not ...
So, I do not want to be either civil or Christian ..
I want to be an "Idiot".
Immigrants invisible ....
I believe that immigrants are invisible in all of Italy and there are many. Turning to the cities' north, I find in every corner .... especially Guanda want and you can stop and chat with them.
What makes me more 'anger' when you become aware of their condition, so precarious, 'cause work a lot and all in black.
We try to talk to people (Italian) to put them "in order" and give them the dignity, 'that's expected of law, say they should not put them "right."
They are so good ....
They need to make them work but 'do not respect them.
is then explained "the invisible" Eagle ....
autodenunciarsi would be like ...
Indeed I doubt that Prime Minister Berlusconi did not want foreign aid volunteer propio why ....
Esagero ???? Mha! penso di no.
Un caloroso pensiero a tutti gli "invisibili" morti per il terremoto all'Aquila ,con "Ciao a voi , arrivederci un giorno".
Fonte: http://www.albanianews.it/ ,commenti all'articolo " Terremoto in Abruzzo e gli immigrati 'invisibili' " di Orazio Vasta
Ciao Orazio, Rispondo a Raffaella Botto.
Parlo da albanese che sono.
Cara Raffaella!
In questi momenti coinvolgenti per tutti noi (senza distinzione italiani o stranieri, perchè viviamo in Italia e questo dolore ha toccato tutti, sono delle ferite per tutti noi), sarebbe meglio con buon senso e soprattutto nel rispetto del dolore e del momento che un intero paese vive, di non guardare le formalità superficialmente.
I live between Italians and Albanians, and bear my testimony that the tragedy was experienced deeply by the Albanian community (as indeed I think also from other communities). The reaction and the reflection was lived and experienced fully, neither more nor less than the soul of an Italian, and that's what counts above all else and not the formality (there are those who made them, but there are those who hear them really).
iornali for Albanians in Italy (not to mention those in Albania and MasmEd for days on average), have written and participated animation on the tragedy.
We have given our small contribution (what can each one of us) because we love and suffer along with the Italians here and live for years with head and soul in this country despite the problems .
I'm sorry that you put in doubt our love for the Italians (you have come to Albania at this point to understand what the Italians are loved by the Albanians, if I did the "bad" I would say , I naturally I do not know what Italians love the Albanians ..).
But is not the time for polemics, I would not want this, far be it from me, because I only responded to the event to see him here with certain formalities exaggerated.
In its small way each individual (foreign or not) think, participate, rifflette, acts, loves, suffers and lives in the society in which it belongs, and in this respect the Albanians feel fully a part integral part of the body (and even-tempered I would say) of the Italian people.
Kaltra Viola
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