Past apparently unnoticed, contains in itself an economic malaise and social sottovalutare.Descrive not recommend that, in fact, the protest meeting which was attended by a multitude of mortgage gathered at the former plant in Marsala wine Amodeo, organized by the "New Protection".
the slogan "Abolish the Serit Sicilia spa" the defendants have accompanied a petition against the company for tax collection to be sent to the Ministry of Economy and Finance to urge him to intervene on a problem that takes a considerable size and every day feeds a widespread popular discontent now.
Angelo Di Girolamo, a member of New Protection, stated that 'to a folder of a few thousand euro one is to have mortgaged assets far more than recommended. Sometimes even the house. "
According to Di Girolamo a fine notified directly at the door roll hall of the municipality who will pay, but can not have to, to have a mortgaged property. With Over the years before the person realizes it, the debt increases with increases in proportion to the initial figure, it is called the order of ten times superiore.Sempre same article also raised the issue of hundreds of farmers and is operators may add other fields from the artisanal to the tourist, from the business in the fisheries sector, from manufacturing to mining, saw the economic difficulty that has recently invested all productive sectors, which are unable to provide for social security payments required, meet with the mortgage on homes, warehouses, land, machinery, tractors, work equipment etc. Not to mention the new, efficient and fast rules for online sales of mortgaged properties that further streamline the procedures and time frame, with a surprise effect on unfortunate that none of us would like to have but that may be able to immagginare.L 'article concludes with a meager satisfaction in considering the 'absence of political guests.
We Independence Trapanesi du " Frunt Naziunali Sicilianu - Sicily Indipinnenti " (National Front Siciliano - Sicily Independent) do not intend to give emphasis to this curious as unique initiative of Marsala but we can say that gives us a starting point for reflections.
State Italy with Legislative Decree the Prodi government then converted into law slammed the Constitutional Court - by turning or rather on the model of selling sub-prime U.S. debts to the Italian Gerit Equitalia hours and debts of the Sicilians in Sicily Serit spa - which was scheduled for the debts of going to the basis agreed by the original debt, just sentence to avoid the "state usury."
The current Minister of Economy and Finance Prof. Giulio Tremonti, a formidable organization of the Revenue demiurge, creator of acute DURC (SPD regular contributions), the elusive author of diabolical invention the "shoe tax" is partito invocando la "Robin Hood Tax" che avrebbe dovuto togliere ai grandi dell'economia per dare ai piccoli e in meno di un anno ha invertito la rotta approdando ai "Tremonti Bond" (aiuti di stato immediati ai grandi gruppi finanziari in difficoltà).
Detto questo, è una esagerazione affermare che vasti settori della società siciliana fatta di agricoltori, artigiani, piccoli e medi imprenditori, commercianti, impiegati, precari all'inizio del XXI° secolo è ancora segnata da ingiustizie profonde, dall'arbitrio e dall'oppressione del ceto politico?
E' una esagerazione dire che il prelievo di imposte e balzelli fiscali - spesso illegitimate - is the instrument of systematic extortion by the Nomenclature at the expense of smaller, mostly to the detriment of the Sicilian economy, healthy lives with the strength of their work, made up of small family business that are subject to a oppressive regimes of which no one seems to have the slightest intention to remedy?
E 'an exaggeration to note that the enslavement of the political class in Sicily is now in such a cynical indifference to stifle the cry for help of their own people?
As we Sicilians never ask what kind of situation we live? If we can do something to get out head out the leash of lies disguised as a hypocritical sense of duty which no one is right for you subtract until you tap in your interest?
sopprusi How long and how much we still have to endure before the polished revival.
It 's true, we are all good until something does not affect us!
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