Lumia Olga, born in Agrigento and living in Rome, published on the Facebook link to a page of the Republic of 2002 entitled "The Kiss dangerous Alfano," an article that reported on the Kiss of the Minister for Justice Angelino Alfano Mafia boss in Naples Cross in 1996. Following this, Olga is hunted by the editors of agrigentoweb.it .
The fact speaks for itself.
"I been widely criticized by those Agrigentoweb for what I had published - Olga Lumia is unleashed on the board of the group of journalists from Agrigento on Facebook - In my Facebook Wall had shared a link on an old piece of La Repubblica, which had as its object a politician .
I tried to explain - he says - that the Board of FB is like my house: I can do what I want. But they do nothing, do not listen to reason.
There were in fact the people who read my link, I was charged to the publishers and editors of Agrigentoweb crying foul.
After several phone calls with the editors of the newspaper on-line and after my letter of apology (in fact I wanted to apologize for putting them, in spite of myself uncomfortable) I thought it was over there.
was not true.
With a piece in the front, signed by the director, have been accused - Olga continues Lumia - to attack the prime minister and his men and was popularly known as the 'prancing horse that makes cri cri'.
At this point, I was left with nothing more than to escape from such an environment.
an environment where there is no freedom of opinion, thought and speech.
Where do you check for what you do in private.
I resigned - he concludes - to run screaming from an untenable situation. "
ESPRIMO Indignation!
full solidarity 'A OLGA LUMIA!
Orazio Vasta
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