Così si legge nel libro " Il Carroccio tradito " di Enzo Carnazza,pubblicato nel 1998 dalla casa editrice "ediBietti".
Secondo Carnazza,l'avversità della Lega Nord all'ingresso dell'Italia all'Euro era una azione filogermanica,azione conclusasi da parte di Bossi e leghisti con l'ingresso dell'Italia nella moneta unica europea; retromarcia che ha segnato anche la fine della politica secessionista,con la Lega che diventava "federalista".
On the subject, wrote the Fertile Dario "Correira evening " of 13 October 1998 " You can 'betray the Northern League in the name of Padania? What a disappointment for Bossi and his followers, no secession! Fallen loudly Helmut Kohl, the spiritual father of the new rite of the Germanic empire, Po separatists have lost an ally, not even the war. and I 'convinced Enzo Carnazza, which addresses a severe indictment of the strategy Bossi, benefiting the Foreword substantial and sharp signed by Xavier Vertone. An attack on all fronts: historical, political, costume, even moral. The word "betrayal" is not 'a stretch to cover,' cause bossismo, Vertone Carnazza second and he deceived his constituents first, pretending to want to build and was limited to destroying, deceiving the economic future of the Po Valley when preparing for the collapse, overturning the covenants in accordance with the conveniences. Worse. The Lega has inherited its most 'disruptive of the First Republic: the particularism Democrat, does not make sense of the state; racism nazifilo of Salo', the sfascismo sessantottino, the cunning of those who present themselves as "liberal" in public, except to invoke protectionist the defense of "Po pensions."
But the complaint more 'heavy about the secret alliance with Germany. Here would be completed the ultimate betrayal of Bossi consensus in the design weblog Imperial German Bundesbank, and aimed to destroy the nation states to create many small countries satellites, in the shadow of Berlin. In Padania, as in other lands "unredeemed" afflluito would be a substantial direct funding to all separatist movements germanifilo: including Croatia and Slovenia, where they know how things turn out then.
AND NOW? Lost the natural protector after the German elections, Bossi held in Serbia (as the recent chronicles suggest) a new turnaround. But the road traveled, the authors warn, and 'already' cluttered rubble ...." .
Orazio Vasta
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