Monday, April 5, 2010

Welded Jon Boat Manufacturers

Subject: Conference: Project "Royal Square - extravaganza."

Ministry of Education and Research Office of the Provincial School of Bergamo

Office Secretariat
Via Pradello 12. 24121 Bergamo.
Tel 035/284111. 035/242974 Fax. E-mail: @

Prot N. 41032/c27a Bergamo, March 22, 2010 At approximately

• School Administrator

• Teachers • Students' representatives in Consulta provinciale Studentesca e in Consiglio di Istituto
• Associazioni di rappresentanza dei genitori nella scuola
• Presidenti dei Consigli di Istituto e dei Comitati dei genitori scuole statali e paritarie di ogni ordine e grado

Oggetto: Convegno: Progetto “Piazza reale – Piazza virtuale”.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

the Office of the Provincial School of Bergamo, in collaboration with the Medes (Movement Education Right to Education), University of Bergamo - Department of Education - ASL di Bergamo, the 'Youth Office of the City of Bergamo, Piazza del Patronato San Vincenzo, the parents' association Coor.Co.Ge., the History Foundation in Bergamo initiated and concluded a research on how communication and groups of young people who called "Square real - extravaganza, "with which the sites were investigated, how and when that mark the togetherness of our children. Through
various qualitative and quantitative survey of about 4000 people, including adolescents and adults, were interviewed in various ways to try to find answers to some basic questions of research: there is, for the adolescent, a dichotomy between the virtual square ( places, styles, forms of communication, and then building relationships) and places it real? Piazza real and virtual square are placed on parallel planes, intersect or are adjacent? Such as communications and relationships are built in the two squares? What risks do they meet?
The data collected, properly prepared by academic experts, and the resulting reflections involving the research actors (students, parents and teachers) were collected in one volume and will be made available to schools and the area of \u200b\u200bstudy in a conference to be held Friday, April 16, 2010

at the University of Bergamo, the site of S. Augustine
with the following program
14.30 - Registration
15.00 - Greetings: L. Roffey (USP Executive Bergamo) and I. Lizzola (Dean Faculty of Education, University of Bergamo)
Introduced by M. Jacono Quarantine (Medas): "The reason for the search"
Coordinator M. Lazzari (University of Bergamo)
the Provincial Student
"To say to a girl the things I write via email, I have to be completely out

M. Lazzari (University of Bergamo)
"The statement of adolescents in real and virtual market place: the questionnaire data

M. Gelfi, S. Agazzi, L. Horns (Foundation Bergamo Bergamo in history-historical museum):
"We do become our home. The square in Bergamo between public and private "

L. Poly (Coor.Co.Ge)
Evidence of change: adolescents and family communication "

G. Gualdi (Patronato San Vincenzo, Bergamo)
A particular place: the square of the Patronato
At 17.30 am certain conclusions

that from this meeting, which I invite you to participate, can be useful reflections and information to managers, teachers, families and children themselves to understand the world of youth with greater awareness and to improve the way of relationship and communication with their students and their children. Therefore, I ask
Sigg. School Administrator - who personally invited to participate - the utmost cooperation for the dissemination of this communication to allow the presence of teachers, student representatives and parents of their schools.
are invited to send the attached form no later than the April 9, 2010 to the attention of Prof. G. Lanzi (, fax 035/242974) or Dr. S. Agazzi (museostorico.educazione @
Participants will be distributed a copy of the book "Teen Square between real and virtual square."
The documentation is also available on the websites:
Given the 'importance and timeliness of the topic addressed at the conference, I trust in the effective collaboration of Directors and in the presence of teachers, students and parents.
Thank you for your attention, I send my heartfelt Regards. The Manager

Prof. Luigi Roffia

responsible for the proceedings: Giorgio Lanzi - Tel 035 035 242 974 284211/Fax -
e mail: - \u200b\

Ministry of Education and Research Office of the Provincial School of Bergamo

Office Secretariat
Via Pradello 12. 24121 Bergamo.
Tel 035/284111. 035/242974 Fax. E-mail: @


"Plaza Real, virtual square"
Study Conference - Bergamo,
April 16, 2010 (to be returned via mail or fax 035/242974, museostorico.educazione @ by the day April 9, 2010)

Last Name _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
□ Director
Parent Teacher
□ □ □

Student E-mail _________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Signature

__________________________ __________________________, _____________ 2010


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