Cracolici (Pd): "failure of center." The news came as no surprise zeroing of the mouth of Pd Sicilian Antonello Cracolici speaks of "failure of the center in Sicily with an epilogue inevitable after a year of conflict." As for the idea of \u200b\u200ba dialogue with the governor, Cracolici states that "currently there are neither opening nor closing. We are a party - he adds - the choices must be collegial."
PAGANO (PDL): "Lombardi has lost his mind." "The elimination of the junta Regional concrete evidence that Lombardo had lost my mind. "Pagano said Alexander, a member of the PDL commenting on the decision of the President of the Region." That we're sorry - he concluded - because a figure must be able to navigate in troubled waters, was used a bit 'more than cool. We are confident in the need of hour to know how to find the dialogue in the interest of Sicily, outlawing retaliation and mistrust ".
Giambrone (IDV): " NOW BACK to the polls. "" Now you gives voice to the Sicilians that until now have been humiliated by a government that is concerned about inadequate only time we see too personalismi.Da ad atteggiamenti indecorosi, beghe, dissidi interni che hanno mandato in sofferenza la legislatura e dimostrato come questa maggioranza non sia mai esistita e, con la decisone di oggi, non ha più i numeri per governare". Così il senatore Fabio Giambrone, commissario regionale siciliano di Italia dei valori."La naturale conseguenza - conclude - che come Italia dei valori chiediamo a gran voce, è di tornare immediatamente alle urne per far finire questo scempio".
LOMBARDO: "Ne ho visto e me ne aspetto di tutti i colori ma l'ho detto e lo ripeto a duemila chilometri di distanza: non recedo di un millimetro....La logica autonomista e' rivoluzionaria compared to the failure of autonomy entrusted in the hands of men of centralism. A national party that sends one of his men to govern a region with special status does not stop, mortify autonomy 'cause at one point put this man at a crossroads: obey the orders of the party central national interests or autonomy do "....... your region
CASTIGLIONE (PDL ): "I think the initiative to Raffaele Lombardo a move ahead of European elections, perhaps, in the concerns of not amount to 4% from its independent list, the President of the Region has decided to shake so the voters. "He said the Sicilian regional coordinator of the PDL, Giuseppe Castiglione, commenting on the reset of the junta. "They had already said - he added - that after the EU we would be working for the revival of the digoverno to the Region. The PDL has supported the government every day, as demonstrated by the fact that 90% of the legislation is approved by parliamentary initiative" . "We - he concluded - we are for the revival of the coalition and the government program." Castiglione said that the advisors of his party in the council of Raffaele Lombardo "waiting for the order of revocation of proxies by the governor," adding that "we will take our ratings after ".......
FINOCCHIARO (Pd): "A year ago Raffaele Lombardo - underlined the President of the Senate of the Democratic Party, Anna Finocchiaro, attacking the same Lombardo at the last regional elections - won regional elections with 65% of the vote, but his majority has always been free of political cohesion. Today, the junta is zero - Anna Finocchiaro concludes - and the center-Sicilian is split, divided and is fighting an internal war for power that, as always, is loaded on the shoulders of the Sicilians ".. ...
Giambrone (IDV): " NOW BACK to the polls. "" Now you gives voice to the Sicilians that until now have been humiliated by a government that is concerned about inadequate only time we see too personalismi.Da ad atteggiamenti indecorosi, beghe, dissidi interni che hanno mandato in sofferenza la legislatura e dimostrato come questa maggioranza non sia mai esistita e, con la decisone di oggi, non ha più i numeri per governare". Così il senatore Fabio Giambrone, commissario regionale siciliano di Italia dei valori."La naturale conseguenza - conclude - che come Italia dei valori chiediamo a gran voce, è di tornare immediatamente alle urne per far finire questo scempio".
LOMBARDO: "Ne ho visto e me ne aspetto di tutti i colori ma l'ho detto e lo ripeto a duemila chilometri di distanza: non recedo di un millimetro....La logica autonomista e' rivoluzionaria compared to the failure of autonomy entrusted in the hands of men of centralism. A national party that sends one of his men to govern a region with special status does not stop, mortify autonomy 'cause at one point put this man at a crossroads: obey the orders of the party central national interests or autonomy do "....... your region
CASTIGLIONE (PDL ): "I think the initiative to Raffaele Lombardo a move ahead of European elections, perhaps, in the concerns of not amount to 4% from its independent list, the President of the Region has decided to shake so the voters. "He said the Sicilian regional coordinator of the PDL, Giuseppe Castiglione, commenting on the reset of the junta. "They had already said - he added - that after the EU we would be working for the revival of the digoverno to the Region. The PDL has supported the government every day, as demonstrated by the fact that 90% of the legislation is approved by parliamentary initiative" . "We - he concluded - we are for the revival of the coalition and the government program." Castiglione said that the advisors of his party in the council of Raffaele Lombardo "waiting for the order of revocation of proxies by the governor," adding that "we will take our ratings after ".......
FINOCCHIARO (Pd): "A year ago Raffaele Lombardo - underlined the President of the Senate of the Democratic Party, Anna Finocchiaro, attacking the same Lombardo at the last regional elections - won regional elections with 65% of the vote, but his majority has always been free of political cohesion. Today, the junta is zero - Anna Finocchiaro concludes - and the center-Sicilian is split, divided and is fighting an internal war for power that, as always, is loaded on the shoulders of the Sicilians ".. ...
White (Pd): "Lombardo has brought forward the no confidence that the PDL was going to dare.Il center-right has failed in Sicily anno.Il in this PD shall not act as a crutch anyone ne'al PDL ne'a Lombardo.In bipolar system when it breaks an alliance that had the consent of the voters, you go to votare.Come we did with Prodi . And we hope that Sicily faces last page !!!".
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