are built cabins wood and aluminum in the suburbs of the cities where they live close to each other.
When they approached the center dilapidated apartments rent at a great price.
is usually present in two and looking for a room with kitchen.
After a few days turn into four, six, ten.
Among them speak languages \u200b\u200bincomprehensible to us, probably ancient dialects.
Many children are used for begging in front of churches but often dark-clad women and men almost always older people crying for mercy, petulant and plaintive tones.
They many children who struggle to maintain and are very united among themselves.
They say they are addicted to theft and, if obstructed, violent.
Our women avoid them because not only unattractive and wild, but because it has been rumored for some rapes consumed after ambushes on roads devices when the women return from work.
Our leaders have opened too inputs border but, above all, have not been able to select among those who enter our country to work and those who think they live by their wits, or even criminal activities ... ..
propose that we give priority to the Veneto and Lombardy, late-witted and ignorant but willing to work more than others. They adapt to abitazioniche Americans refuse even that families remain united and do not question their wages.
The others, those that have reported much of this first report, from the south of Italy.
I invite you to check the documents of origin and repatriate More.l our security should be the first concern. "
The text is taken from a report of the Inspectorate for Immigration U.S. Congress sugli immigrati italiani negli Stati Uniti, Ottobre 1912
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