Monday ' May 11 at 15 MPa at the site of Catania, President of the Sicilian Region and leader of the Movement for autonomy, Raffaele Lombardo, will receive 'the representatives of the MIS (Movement for the Independence of Sicily) honorary membership card in the historic political movement indpendentista that the next European elections will support 'the list' autonomy ', composed of political sign Mpa-The-Right-Alliance for Retired center.
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(by) Allegra Neva Mis:
"For about 48 hours, a small group of people is being implemented a 'work in relation to the MIS of misinformation, disinformation is added to the attempt to discredit and defame the leaders of the Movement, first of its President prof. Salvatore Musumeci, the Secretary Mario Rapisarda, Mimmo Dagna provincial responsibility, and all the leaders of Measure defamatory, take their cue from a political fact of which they are deliberately distorting the scope, meaning, and finalità.Oggi, alle! 5, during a press conference, the leaders of the MIS to the President of the Region, Raffaele Lombardo, a card of honorary member of the Movement.
The purpose of this delivery AND ONLY 'A:
- Fare da stimolo e verificare la reale volontà di Lombardo di portare avanti la battaglia per la PIENA APPLICAZIONE DELLO STATUTO SICILIANO.Se verrà riscontrata questa volontà, il MIS, non mancherà dal dare il suo appoggio a Lombardo PER QUESTA UNICA BATTAGLIA, giacchè in quanto al resto, i programmi, le finalità ed i valori di cui è portatore il Movimento divergono totalmente da quelli dell’ MPA.Come è risaputo, l’ Ideale del MIS è l’ Indipendenza della Sicilia, non siamo autonomisti, non lo siamo mai stati e mai lo saremo.Andrea Finocchiaro Aprile, per evitare ulteriori spargimenti di sangue, accettò lo Statuto, fidando nella sua piena applicazione da parte 's Italy, which unfortunately never happened, was not the' Independence, but if we could have applied to be a "federal state".
This condition, never used, is the result of the blood of our martyrs, and we claim, and we want its full implementation, will be a decisive step towards full Indipendenza.Il bunch of hoaxers, has been an increasing false news that the MIS is allied with the 'MPA, and will support him in elections to the MIS EuropeeEssendo a Democratic Movement, the inside is legitimate dissent, one may not agree with the choices of managers, disagree or whatever' else, but this che è inaccettabile sono le offese, le insinuazioni, il diffamare, gli attacchi personali basati su menzogne nel tentativo di screditare il vertice del Movimento, che è formato da persone di rispecchiata pulizia morale e di onestà intellettuale; è formato da persone che non hanno mai ceduto ad alcun compromesso, da persone che per portare avanti il loro Ideale hanno avuto una vita non facile, hanno sempre respinto lusinghe e proposte, e sempre ci hanno rimesso personalmente.Nei confronti dei diffamatori, ex militanti del Movimento, i dirigenti del MIS, si riservano di prendere le opportune iniziative legali".
Neva Allegra
11 Maggio 2009
Lorenzo Mercurio sent a message to members of independent young Sicilians - LGS 1944 - INDEPENDENCE AND 'ANTIMAFIA !----- Subject: Defamation?
Behold, look well and make your comments and CONSIDERATIONS this address you will see the beautiful face Musumeci, Dagna of Lombardo and other next to ... and with the flag next to the symbols of MPA dell'EVIS Insult: http://www.facebook.com/l/; http://www.tgr.rai.it/SITOTG/TGR_popupvideo/1, 8506, TGR % 5Esicilia, 00.html
service of which I speak is all'unidecimo minute.
The name of the MIS is in no way been touched by the TG, as it turned. I hope that everyone is happy about this: everything has been destroyed, reset, wiped out ...
much effort for nothing.
Today is a sad day, because the independence movement, the real one, go back to zero ... back into oblivion.
Roman H. Clarke leaves Mis :
Deputy Secretary and Head of Press, Communication and Propaganda of the Movement for the Independence of Sicily Roman Henry Clarke announced that he had returned the day of Sunday, 10 May us a card to join the MIS with immediate effect and irrevocable.
The decision was taken following the announcement of the delivery, which occurred on Monday 11, by the leadership of the MIS to the President of the Sicilian Region and leader of MPA, Raffaele Lombardo, the honorary membership card and Historical flag of independence, and the announcement by the press since the electoral support of the leadership of MIS of the list for the European "autonomy" composed of Mpa, The Right, Centre Party and the Alliance of Pensioners, as well as other constituencies in the convergence locale.Tale agreement appears to be irreconcilably conflicts with the policy hitherto followed by the MIS, in addition to its founding principles and inspired not only spoiled by a modus operandi that has seen the same Clarke excluded from decision-making on such a fundamental topic, and was only informed in the same Sunday of the decision already taken, like other leaders, which the news was communicated only by telephone in the days leading up to the press conference over the card and the flag held in Catania, and the same basis as the MIS, he learned of the event only through media.L 'former Deputy Secretary of MIS leaves the active militancy after 15 years, but will continue its commitment to the rights and freedoms of the people as a freelance journalist, photographer, promoter and social, artistic and culture.
Catania, May 12, 2009
Contact: email: romanclarke@gmail.com
fax: 0952937230
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MIS Press Release:
Oggi, Lunedì 11 maggio alle ore 15,30 il Presidente Nazionale, Salvatore Musumeci accompagnato dal Segretario Nazionale, Nello Rapisarda; dal Vice Segretario Nazionale Vicario, Antonella Caterina Furnari; dal Coordinatore Nazionale Giovani Indipendentisti – Lega Giovanile Separatista, Giuseppe Musumeci; dalla Coordinatrice Nazionale Femminile, Grazia Puglisi; e dai quadri dirigenti del M.I.S. (Movimento per l'indipendenza della Sicilia), Mimmo Dagna, Coordinatore Provinciale di Palermo; Salvatore Fasanaro, Segretario Provinciale di Enna; Dino Cartia, Coordinatore Provinciale di Siracusa; Giovanni Santoro, Coordinatore Area Tirrenica e dello Stretto; Luciano Gasparini, Coordinatore Giovanile delle Aci; Salvatore Lo Casto, Coordinatore di Misilmeri, nonché dai Consiglieri Comunali del Mis: Agata Puglisi e Carmelo Mangano, Placido Cariolo; ha incontrato, nella sede catanese del Mpa, il Presidente della Regione siciliana e leader del Movimento per le autonomie, Raffaele Lombardo, per conferirgli la tessera di socio onorario dello storico movimento politico indipendentista.
Oggi, Lunedì 11 maggio alle ore 15,30 il Presidente Nazionale, Salvatore Musumeci accompagnato dal Segretario Nazionale, Nello Rapisarda; dal Vice Segretario Nazionale Vicario, Antonella Caterina Furnari; dal Coordinatore Nazionale Giovani Indipendentisti – Lega Giovanile Separatista, Giuseppe Musumeci; dalla Coordinatrice Nazionale Femminile, Grazia Puglisi; e dai quadri dirigenti del M.I.S. (Movimento per l'indipendenza della Sicilia), Mimmo Dagna, Coordinatore Provinciale di Palermo; Salvatore Fasanaro, Segretario Provinciale di Enna; Dino Cartia, Coordinatore Provinciale di Siracusa; Giovanni Santoro, Coordinatore Area Tirrenica e dello Stretto; Luciano Gasparini, Coordinatore Giovanile delle Aci; Salvatore Lo Casto, Coordinatore di Misilmeri, nonché dai Consiglieri Comunali del Mis: Agata Puglisi e Carmelo Mangano, Placido Cariolo; ha incontrato, nella sede catanese del Mpa, il Presidente della Regione siciliana e leader del Movimento per le autonomie, Raffaele Lombardo, per conferirgli la tessera di socio onorario dello storico movimento politico indipendentista.
«Siamo qui per conferire al Presidente della Regione Siciliana, on. Raffaele Lombardo, per noi indipendentisti Presidente della Nazione Siciliana, la tessera di Socio Onorario del Mis – ha esordito il Presidente Musumeci -; questo gesto vuole essere un attestato di stima nei confronti del presidente Lombardo, and encouragement to take all the necessary strategies and authoritative to ask the Italian Government, the implementing rules for the full implementation of the Special Statute of Autonomy, obtained from Sicily in the blood of the martyrs dell'Evis. The statute in its entirety if applied, would make almost a federated state in Sicily with Italy (as he said the Hon. Attilio Castrogiovanni Ars in a speech during the first regional legislature). And if the application for the Autonomy Statute is the highest of goals, for us, independence is an important step to move towards self-determination and return with the independence full sovereignty to the People Siciliano.
This card does not ask, of course, to join the MIS, the MIS does not adhere as well as MPA.
It is an invitation to do more for the redemption of Sicily. Today's meeting provides an opportunity to begin a dialogue to advance the many battles that are common to the benefit of the Sicilian people. From this point of view she will have our support and our assistance, but we'll be ready to criticize when you forget the "just cause".
is a "challenge" benevolent to Sicily.
We know that his movement is engaged in a difficult electoral competition. We are not involved and therefore not affected, but hope you can overcome the barrier to get a real voice in Europe's own capacity to represent instances of the Sicilians.
Good luck, Mr President.
Viva Sicily and its people free, sovereign and independent, ".
"I am honored to receive this card from the heirs of Andrea Finocchiaro Aprile - underlined the President of the Region, Lombardo - is for me a source of pride and encouragement to do more, without giving way to the allies-adversaries. Surely today's meeting is an opportunity for a dialogue of comparison to better lead the battles on the common points of convergence for the benefit of Sicily. Of course we can not agree on everything, I know for example that you do not share my commitment to the Bridge, but I'm sure your contribution will help us to improve the fate of our Earth. This meeting is not a commitment electioneering, but it is a moral commitment, and I am grateful. It comes from a dialogue developed among our young people autonomy and independence of your youth (and if you will allow me to say thanks to my son Toti that has a strong feeling of independence). Invite the youth to continue the comparison, making use of historical knowledge, the President of MIS, who wrote so much about independence. You see, when military in a big Italian party, the Christian Democrats, who now no longer there, I was convinced that autonomy was determined by notables Aldisio Democrats, Alessi ... but when I got closer to independence, reading the book Musumeci President (between separatists and Autonomy, ed), and others ... I realized that the statute was won with the blood of the fallen dell'Evis: Canepa, Rosano, Lo Giudice ... is born of a pact between the Italian and Sicilian, and it deserves more to be applied and not vilified. "
At the conclusion of the meeting, in addition to honorary membership card, the President gave to Mr Mis. Lombardo also fighting dell'Evis flag, a sign that the battle for the affirmation of the rights of the Sicilian people is still going on ... the way to go is all uphill and winding road, and as such must join forces against ' Ascari and the centralization of the Italian parties.
Rodolfo Amodeo
Press Officer Mis
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