Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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Convocation + Meeting Minutes November

Co.Ge. – ISISS – Valle Seriana

Gazzaniga, 01/12/2010

Ai Componenti del C.E. del CO.GE. A tutti i genitori dell’Istituto ISISS

Oggetto: Convocazione Assemblea
In data 10 Dicembre 2010 alle ore 20.30 presso l’Istituto scolastico è stata convocata l’assemblea dei genitori per l’apertura del nuovo anno scolastico.


1. Lettura ed approvazione verbale dell’assemblea precedente
2. Intervento Dott.ssa Giovarruscio - Prof. Zanetti (spazio C.I.C )
3. Accantonamento 2009/10 – PREMI di MERITO
4. Aggiornamento ed esiti delle votazioni dal CONSIGLIO D’ISTITUTO
5. Programmazione anno 2010/11
6. Varie ed eventuali

Invitiamo tutti genitori interessati a partecipare a questo incontro di fondamentale importanza, per continuare le varie attività del Comitato.
Sottolineiamo inoltre che questa convocazione è stata trasmessa a tutti i genitori rappresentanti di classe , determinanti con la loro presenza.

MINUTES OF THE DAY 11/05 / / 2010
On 05/11 / 2010 at 20.30 at the ISISS convened the meeting of the Parents. No. There were about 80 parents.

1. Address by the Headmaster Professor. Masserini A. 2 Presentation of the plan

3 Parents' Committee Report of the 2009/10 program year
4. Planning year 2010/11 - Renewal Charges
5. Any other

The meeting opens at 20.35 with the participation of many parents (no. 81) given the importance of the meeting to the presence of the Headmaster and the collection of enrollment in Co. Ge. Susan Pasini
President having presented the Committee members (Vice-President David Bressan, Marco Cornaro secretary, treasurer, Vallino Marco), explains that the work of this committee is based on dialogue, 'friendship, communication and on' importance of making the "Group" to pursue the good of all students, not only for the individual child.
The word goes to the Headmaster (Masserini Alessio) submitting the plans and expectations on the institution ISSIS stressing the importance of school, all work together, not to let it be the last resort for our kids. D. S. before closing the increasingly problematic issue of TRANSPORT, elucidating the audience that despite the agreements with the SAB, something does not run properly, the only way out is to take immediate action to advise at what time or what buses that make mistakes and / or deficiencies in respect of students, so that in an appropriate forum the real culprit will be punished (driver).
The Chairman thanked the DS for their invaluable participation and is reading a letter from the echo of Bergamo in Bergamo on the Coor.Co.Ge noting the importance of parents in the school.
Now take the word Mr. Vallino (Treasurer) explaining what he has done (Very well) in these four years of service to the general ledger and all ready to move to the new treasurer will accept the assignment.
It then goes on to step 4 urging new parents to take interest in coverage of the corporate offices. After extensive discussion are elected: President

CORNARO Secretary-Treasurer Mark
Security Guard BRESSAN DAVID

are also collected the names for the service on Saturday morning from 10.00 to 11.00 in the room of the ledger, matching a parent with the new esperto in modo da evitare problematiche.

Si fissa il prossimo incontro per Venerdì 10/12/2010, sperando di essere sempre numerosi. Alle ore 22,30 circa la seduta è tolta.

Il segretario
Cornaro Marco


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