Thursday, March 10, 2011

Low Carb Feces Black Poo

Update contest last days

Yesterday, looking at the blogs I follow, I noticed they all had red hearts, and
I thought how nice it will 'turn the blog March 17, 2011 and see our flag
everywhere. I have already 'in mind
a beautiful cake to celebrate this day.
foodblogger So I ask you what about a new contest?
here it is:


The recipes should have a 'unique feature:
They should have the color of our flag.
may be fresh or salt, including drinks.
  • leave to participate Link to your recipe in this post
  • can 'even those who did not participate in a blog
  • you must register as my supporters
  • you have to take the banner of the contest and put it in the blog when you post the recipe
  • also put my banner
  • apply only recipes with photos
  • apply recipes also already 'post, simply add the banner
  • collection ends March 17, 2011 national day
  • you can' participate more 'recipes
The recipe' original, more 'good will' awarded by a jury of
exception made by Simon, and I Madis.

A blog of HOUSE SIMO
of the blog 'corner

The winning recipe will receive' a gift set of kitchen size
glove, potholder and towel offered by the company
PASTORICCHIO CURTAINS (which would I always)
participated in a lot / i, to celebrate together.
And from what I can see us bloggers are very close.

ps. I am preparing the PDF of the collection, sorry for the delay, but it 's one thing
long and I hope to do it.
  1. spaghetti tricolor of Cranberry's Cornetto and Cappucino
  2. fusilli to mameli of Antonella Antonella's kitchen out of competition
  3. tricolor goat Elena elena
  4. Cooking spaghetti tricolor of Sara pasta dough in
  5. Italian polenta Claudia of the oven sweet Claudia
  6. teaspoons tricolor Renza of Confectionery and pies
  7. mushrooms kiwi Max's Blog Max
  8. tricolor salad of strawberries Angela a pinch of cinnamon
  9. cheesecake to strawberry jelly Cristina grains of pearl
  10. Capri tricolor Elena Zibaldone of culinary
  11. Parmesan lasagne Mark of First course almost ready
  12. fusilli with tomatoes and ground beef Mark of First course almost done
  13. Tonight we eat pizza Mamma wife woman
  14. Doughnut rice gorgonzola Lucia Ambrosia and nectar
  15. Tower Air to Air tricolor in the kitchen
  16. zucchini pie from soft heart Mousse Cakes passions
  17. plaice roulade with spinach and beans Kikka Kikka
  18. Vegetable terrine tricolor Rosalba in a good mood in the kitchen
  19. Ocean in Italian Italian dish Dida Dida of Romance of
  20. Towers mini caprese of Souls of The Sorcerer's kitchen
  21. Pizza tomatoes and mascarpone diElisina of basil recipes Elisina
  22. fillets of red mullet Boheme Hiper ( Board's visit to this post)
  23. Foccaccia with yeast Chabb of fan noise of the pans
  24. Italian Sandwich Elena of the celiac clumsy
  25. Panna cotta Italian style Matter of taste
  26. Risotto tricolor Laura's legs in
  27. Spaghetti pasta tricolore Azzurra size kitchen and
  28. tarts tricolor Gina's Cakes and fantasy
  29. Polenta Pizza tricolor Babette quince
  30. A small sin Serena's throat My clouds of whipped cream
  31. Pizza meat tricolor Renza of mom's recipes Anatina
  32. Meatballs Sabrina and Luca di Sapori wine
  33. cabbage rolls with sardines Barbara Noon
  34. cook risotto with strawberries and zucchini Gianni's Cocogianni
  35. Stars of the tricolor of Alme The cuisine of the sorcerer
  36. The Capri speaks only Italian Dessert thoughts
  37. Fusilli bacon, cherry tomatoes and arugula Nicole C Dolce pastime
  38. Gems tricolor of a bungler in kitchen
  39. of Noodles 'Unit' of Italy La pappa al pomodoro
  40. Half sleeves in celebration of Roberta's Cooking with Roberta
  41. Cavatelli Molise Patty Andante tastefully
  42. Post 150 of Raffy Raffy and his bungling of


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