I thought how nice it will 'turn the blog March 17, 2011 and see our flag
everywhere. I have already 'in mind
a beautiful cake to celebrate this day.
foodblogger So I ask you what about a new contest?
here it is:
The recipes should have a 'unique feature:
They should have the color of our flag.
may be fresh or salt, including drinks.
They should have the color of our flag.
may be fresh or salt, including drinks.
- to participate, leave the link of your recipe in this post
- puo' partecipare anche chi non ha un blog
- dovete iscrivervi come miei sostenitori
- dovete prendere il banner del contest e metterlo nel blog
- quando postate la ricetta mettete anche il mio banner
- valgono solo ricette con le foto
- valgono ricette anche gia' postate, basta aggiungere il banner
- la raccolta finisce il 17 marzo 2011 giorno di Festa Nazionale
- si puo' partecipare con piu' ricette
La ricetta piu' originale, piu' bella verra' premiata da una giuria di
eccezione formata da SIMONA, MADIS ed io.
del blog A CASA DI SIMO
of the blog 'corner
eccezione formata da SIMONA, MADIS ed io.
del blog A CASA DI SIMO
of the blog 'corner
The winning recipe will receive' in a gift set of kitchen
formed by the glove, towel and potholder
offered by the company PASTORICCHIO CURTAINS (which I'd always)
http:// shop.pastoricchiotende.com /
participated in a lot / i, to celebrate together.
And from what I can see us bloggers are very close.

long and I hope to do it.
recipes: spaghetti
- tricolor Cranberry's Cornetto and Cappucino
- fusilli to mameli of Antonella Antonella's kitchen out of competition
- tricolor goat Elena elena
- Cooking spaghetti Sara Di tricolor pasta dough
- Italian polenta Claudia of the oven sweet Claudia
- teaspoons tricolor Renza of Confectionery and mushroom pies
- kiwi Max's Blog Max
- tricolor salad of strawberries of Angela A pinch of cinnamon cheesecake
- of strawberry jelly beans Cristina treat
- Capri tricolor Elena Zibaldone of culinary
- Parmesan lasagne Mark of First course almost ready
- fusilli with tomatoes and ground beef Mark of First course almost done
- Tonight we eat pizza Mamma wife woman
- Doughnut rice gorgonzola Lucia Ambrosia and nectar
- tricolor Tower Air to Air in the kitchen
- zucchini cake with a tender heart Mousse Cakes passions
- rolls flounder and spinach beans Kikka Kikka
- Vegetable terrine tricolor Rosalba in a good mood in the kitchen
- Ocean in Italian Italian dish Dida Dida of Romance of
- Towers mini caprese of Souls of The Sorcerer's kitchen
- Pizza tomatoes and basil mascarpone diElisina Le recipes Elisina
- fillets of red mullet Boheme Hiper ( Board's visit to this post)
- Foccaccia with yeast Chabb of fan noise of the pans
- Panino Italian of Helen of the celiac clumsy
- Panna cotta Italian style Matter of taste
- Risotto tricolor Laura Zampetti paste
- Spaghetti tricolor Azzurra size kitchen and
- tarts tricolor Gina's Cakes and fantasy
- Polenta Pizza tricolor Babette quince
- A little gluttony Serena My clouds of cream
- Pizza meat tricolor Renza of Mom's recipes Anatina
- Meatballs Sabrina and Luca di Sapori wine
- cabbage rolls with sardines Barbara Noon cook
- Risotto with strawberries and zucchini Gianni Cocogianni
- Stars of the tricolor di Alme di La cucina dello stregone
- La caprese parla solo italiano di Dolci pensieri
- Fusilli speck pomodorini e rucola di Nicole C di Dolce passatempo
- Gemme tricolori di Una pasticciona in cucina
- Tagliolini dell' Unita' d'Italia di La pappa al pomodoro
- Mezze maniche in festa di Roberta di In cucina con Roberta
- Cavatelli del Molise di Patty di Andante con gusto
- Post 150 di Raffy di Raffy e i suoi pasticci
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