Alcune settimane fa ho invitato a cena un amico e ho preparato la fondue
Stasera lo posto , ma vedrete la versione vecchia, rossa ,ricevuta in regalo
una trentina di anni fa.

La fondue bourguignonne (tradotto dal francese fonduta borgognese )
è una specialità della regione transalpina della Borgogna , ( capoluogo Digione )
che consiste nel cuocere dei piccoli pezzi di meat (usually beef but
calf , chicken or pork ) in ' boiling oil, accompanied by various sauces
of seasoning. For this dish uses a special pot,
heated by a stove or an alcohol lamp, similar to
fondue fondue.
Each diner, which has provided a plate with compartments in which
make sauces and fondue forks a long-handled, prepared by
whether the dish. A piece of meat is skewered with a fork;
introduced into the pot, soak time and then the cooking is quick,
is chosen by the diner to his taste for meat rare or well cooked;
extract the bit from the pot is immersed in one of the sauces available.
I reported here the explanation power in the network.

to put the salt. Other
need to put the sauces that are found in jars.
I always buy the fillet of beef, pork, veal and sausage.
For every person put on gr. 250 of meat. Inside the
pentola metto un litro di olio , io preferisco di arachidi per friggere.
Dentro metto una patata cruda, cosi' l' olio non si brucia.
Naturalmente se adoperate la mayonese fatta in casa , le salse saranno
ancora piu' buone.
per questa salsa ci vogliono oilve nere, senape, mayonese e un vasetto
di yougurt magro.
pepper sauce
salt and Tabasco to be a bit 'spicy.
Put the peppers in a blender and then when it became a mush
put them in a colander to drain for a while '.
Whisk the mayonnaise with the tomato ketchup, add chopped bell peppers
and season with salt and Tabasco.
The sauce should be a little 'pepper to taste.

Dissolve the curry with a few drops of water and incorporate it into
mayonnaise, salt and pepper.
tartar sauce
chop finely.
An 'another sauce that I have photographed and' remoulade sauce made from mayonnaise
chopped garlic and parsley.
doses are personal, depending on your taste.
In January, I want to inaugurate the new pot.
E ' molto bello e divertente cenare cosi' perche' si ha il tempo di chiaccherare
e ridere insieme.
Da provare.
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