Friday, October 15, 2010

Suffix Power Pro Braid


Very late I tell you that it is worth it! First, I was enchanted by the strips of the "you are ready to sin?" organized by Lele and Simon do and say Quilting . I was struck by the extraordinary creativity and imagination of participants, from their different techniques than that perfectly running ..... I still have so much to be done to get to their level!
I congratulate also Sabrina Cica Cica Buu, for his portrayal of the IRA.

However, for those not able to admire so much talent, go Blog Kokino ... fortunately she took the pictures! And then gave an account of the tour that we made. E 'was great fun circling the show with her!

Kokino Then, with a connoisseur's eye per il buon gusto, ha beccato subito il piccolo stand di " tutto d'un filo ", dove ha trovato uno sfizioso e raffinato regalo che ha fatto a mia figlia, eccolo:

un set asciugamano + ospite finemente personalizzato. La ranocchietta ne è rimasta incantata..è suo e guai a chi glielo tocca!!
Grazie ancora Franci, sei sempre tanto carina!


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