CLSSE 2010-11 November 2010 general ledger ledger - ISISS - Valle Seriana COMMITTEE OF PARENTS 'ISISS
E-mail: Gazzaniga, 22/10/2010
For Firefox del C.E. del CO.GE. A tutti i genitori dell’Istituto ISISS
Oggetto: Convocazione Assemblea In data 05 Novembre 2010 alle ore 20.30 presso l’Istituto scolastico è stata convocata l’assemblea dei genitori per l’apertura del nuovo anno scolastico.
ORDINE DEL GIORNO: 1. Intervento del Dirigente Scolastico prof. MASSERINI A.
2 Presentazione dell’Organico del Comitato Genitori
3 Resoconto del programma anno 2009/10
4. Programmazione anno 2010/11 - Rinnovo Cariche
5. Any other
We invite all interested parents to participate in this meeting of crucial importance as it will enable new participants to become better acquainted with our work.
worth noting that this invitation was sent to all parents of the institution (class representatives in particular), and that the dates of forthcoming meetings for organizational purposes, shall be disclosed only to those who have participated in this evening.
Important Notice:
From Monday 25 to Friday, November 29th parents interested in joining the list, to be elected a member of the school board may leave their contact the Secretariat at school, asking for Mr. MariaRosa. Secretary
Marco Cornaro